We recommend that you keep this getting started guide handy for future reference. Atvykusiam pirmam penkiasdešimtukui, organizatoriai pažadėjo Italijos superklubo dovanas. Padedant A.

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Use the Apple LaserWriter 8 driver that came with your Macintosh. Before beginning installation, turn off virus protection.

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The installation window will appear on the desktop. Once you select the installation language and double-click Install in the desired language, the installation screen will appear in that language.

You may need this hardware address number to complete network installation.

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Windows installation will walk you through the following: zConnecting your printer to a Novell NetWare server. Answer Yes when prompted from the Novell Server Detected screen.

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Congratulations, the printer setup is complete! We recommend that you keep this getting started guide handy for future reference.

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Ensure that no other peripherals are connected to the printer cable. Turn on the printer and then turn on the computer.

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Right-click the virus protection program icon in the taskbar status area, and then click Disable. For information about contacting HP Customer Care, see page 2.

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Note To identify and troubleshoot control panel light messages, use the control panel simulator.